”Johtaviinkin posteihin psee kipuamaan mys patologisia narsisteja”

Oli tosi mukava katsoa lauantaiaamuna teeveestä poliittista ohjelmaa jossa ei huudettu, keskeytetty eikä puolustettu tai hyökätty vallan takia. Toimittaja Jari Korkki haastatteli Jan Vapaavuorta.


Death of Johan de Witt – Wikipedia.

During 1672, which the Dutch refer to as the ”year of disaster” or rampjaar, France and England attacked the Republic during the Franco-Dutch War and the Orangists took power by force and deposed de Witt. Recovering from an earlier attempt on his life in June, he was lynched by an organized mob after visiting his brother Cornelis in prison.

After the arrival of Johan de Witt, the city guard was sent away on a pretext to stop farmers who were supposedly engaged in pilfering. Without any protection against the assembled mob, the brothers were dragged out of the prison and killed next to a nearby scaffold. Immediately after their deaths, the bodies were mutilated and fingers, toes, and other parts of their bodies were cut off.[17] Other parts of their bodies were allegedly eaten by the mob (others allege they were taken elsewhere and cooked before being eaten).[18] The heart of Cornelis de Witt was exhibited for many years next to his brother’s by one of the ringleaders, the silversmith Hendrik Verhoeff.[19]


Nolo piv pministerille | Uljas It-Suomen ylioppilaslehti

”Kuvitellaanpa tilanne, jossa Sipilä olisi marssinut sisään rakennuksen pääovesta ja pysähtynyt kuulemaan opiskelijoiden huolia ja kritiikkiä. Toimittajat olisivat napsineet villinä kuvia, tehneet kynät sauhuten muistiinpanoja ajatustenvaihdosta ja lehtijutut päivästä olisivat olleet hyvin erilaisia. Jopa se seminaarin aiheena ollut biotalous olisi luultavasti saanut hiukan huomiota jos Sipilä olisi osannut sammuttaa kytevät liekit. Mielenosoittajien kritiikki olisi ollut kovaa, mutta aidon tuntuinen kohtaaminen olisi rauhoittanut tilannetta. Nyt kävi päinvastoin.”


Without library services there ain’t no new books: Case Power Broker.

”As a resident researcher, Caro delved into the Library’s historical collections to create a multidimensional narrative about how [Robert] Moses became the most powerful man in New York by building landmarks such as the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, Jones Beach, Lincoln Center, the Triborough Bridge, and more.”
